The files listed on this page are all available for downloading
as well as for viewing directly on-line (for those with a fast
connection). New files are added periodically.
- Video
en Español: Compartiendo una tarde, visitando
Sripat Bamunpara. The mini-video of the visit to Bamunpara
of 25th May, with full Spanish narrative. (5+ minutes video,
2.5 MB. Download, and view with the freely available RealPlayer.)
Uploaded 30 May 2003.
- A
video request by Sripad B.N. Acharyya Maharaj,
the Nabadwip Temple's manager, as he starts out for an evening
preaching programme. (2+ minutes video, 1.2 MB. Download,
and view with the freely available RealPlayer.) Uploaded
27 May 2003.
- Share
a visit to Bamunpara, and the first pictures
of the new Temple and nat-mandir construction taking place
there. (5+ minutes video, 2.5 MB. Download, and view with
the freely available RealPlayer.) Uploaded 26 May 2003.
- Share the afternoon of Sriman
Mahaprabhu's boat parikrama and return journey,
from the centre of Sri Govinda Kunda on 7th May as part
of His Sri Chandan Yatra Pastimes. (11+ minutes video, 6.7
MB. Download, and view with the freely available RealPlayer.)
Uploaded 24 May 2003.
- Share the morning of Sriman
Mahaprabhu's recent journey to the centre of Sri
Govinda Kunda beginning His Sri Chandan Yatra Lila on 4th
May. (18 minutes video, 6 MB. Download, and view with the
freely available RealPlayer.) Uploaded 19 May 2003.
- Sharing
a day in Nabadwip. Sripad Devashis Prabhu, the manager
of our London Math, arrives for Sri Vyasa-Puja and takes
us for a short walk seeing some of the development and activities
going on here. (13 minutes video, 13 MB QuickTime movie). Uploaded 10 December
- Plentiful Service Opportunity. Sripad Bhakti Sampat Narayan
Maharaj received sannyasa mantram from Srila Bhakti Sundar
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in March this year. Just before
starting on a preaching tour to Brazil last month, His Holiness
shared some of his reflections with us. (13 minutes video,
4.5 MB. Download and view with RealPlayer.) Uploaded
23 November 2002.
- A
journey to the centre of Sri Govinda Kunda, marble
for the walls and floor of the new Mandir manifesting there.
(1+ minute video, 440 K download, view with RealPlayer.)
Uploaded 21 October 2002.
- A
glimpse of yesterday, here at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat
Math, including pouring concrete on the roof of the Siva
Mandir by Sri Govinda Kunda. (3+ minute video, 1.1 MB download,
view with RealPlayer.) Uploaded 13 October 2002.
- Sripad Bhakti Bimal Avadhut
Maharaj visits the Sri Govinda Kunda projects soon
after receiving sannyasa from Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj in Calcutta last week. (5 minute video,
2.8 MB download, view with RealPlayer.) Uploaded 6 October
- A
glimpse of the Sri Govinda Kunda projects today
(1+ minute video, 440K download, view with RealPlayer.)
Uploaded 30 August 2003
- Sripad Bhakti Nirmal Acharyya Maharaj returns to Nabadwip
and reflects
on the Russian sectors of the recent World Tour
of Srila Govinda Maharaj. (5 minutes video, 1.6MB. Download
and view with RealPlayer.) Uploaded 27 August 2003.
- Video
of the three new sannyasis arriving in Nabadwip
two days after their initiation by Srila Govinda Maharaj
last month. (6+ minutes video, 2.1 MB. Download and view
with RealPlayer.) Uploaded 26 august 2002
- Sights
and sounds today from the Sevashram and Sri Govinda
Kunda projects, Nabadwip. (2 minutes video, 580 K. Download
and view with RealPlayer.) Uploaded 24 August 2002
- The
Disappearance Festival of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Maharaj
held here at Nabadwip Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math yesterday.
4 minutes video, 1.3 MB download, view with RealPlayer.
Uploaded 9 August 2002
- Five minute video sharing the big day of manually
pouring concrete on the roof of the Sevashram (1.7
MB RealPlayer file download). Recorded on 26th July. Uploaded
28 July 2003.
- Nabadwip
Cow-seva video clip filmed recently here at the
Math (1MB: download, then play using the freely available
RealPlayer). Uploaded 2 July 2002
- Sevashram
and Sri Govinda Kunda construction projects: A series
of pictures are available as Video. (600K: download, then
play using the freely available RealPlayer). Uploaded
30 June 2002.
- New
Sevashram and Sri Govinda Kunda pictures as a video
clip with commentary. Uploaded 8 June 2002.
- Sevashram
and Sri Govinda Kunda pictures available today as
a video clip. Uploaded 2 June 2002
website is © Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
Founder-Acharyya: Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj
President-Acharyya: Srila B. S. Govinda Maharaj
www.scsmath.com - online since 1995. Updated