...that afternoon, the sannyas function began. Chandrasekhara Acharya was asked to perform the ceremony
on behalf of Nimai Pandit, who began to
chant and dance and charm the audience.
laksa lochanasru varsa harsa kesa kartanam
koti kantha krsna kirtanadhya danda dharanam
nyasi vesa sarva desa ha hutasa kastaram
prema dhama devam eva naumi gaura sundaram
"While showers of tears fell from the eyes of millions,
He delighted in having His beautiful hair
shaved away. Millions of voices sang the glories of
Krishna, as Sri Krishna Chaitanya accepted the staff
of renunciation. From that time on, wherever He
went, whoever saw Him in the dress of a sannyasi cried in grief. I sing the glories of that beautiful
Golden God, the giver of divine love."
~An extract from the chapter, 'A Tragedy of Separation.'