Ocean of Mercy'
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj
From Affectionate Guidance, Chapter 15

"Sri Advaita Acharyya meditated on offering Ganges water
and Tulasi leaves to the Lord, constantly calling to Goloka-Bihari
again and again. The Lord's throne was shaking."
Vrindavan Das Thakur writes, "The whole world is devoid of real love
for Rama and Krsna. As was predicted in the scriptures for kali-yuga,
people only know about ritualistic ceremonies. They stay up the whole
night singing the glories of some demigod. Some of them proudly worship
Visahari, who removes the effect of snake poison. Others set up idols
and worship them with great wealth. They spend money lavishly on their
sons and daughters. Like this, everyone simply wastes their time. They
never care to engage in Krsna-kirttan which is the yuga-dharmma,
our only religious practice for this age. They prefer to speak ill of
others rather than say good things about them. Even from those who are
puffed up with their detachment and renunciation, we never hear the
chanting of the Holy Names from their lips. Some others think that the
time of bathing is the only auspicious moment for chanting the names
'Govinda' and 'Pundarikaksa.' Those who recite the Bhagavatam
for the education of the people, do not have the devotional serving
mood in their tongue. Thus the Lord's energy produces the worldly illusion.
This causes the devotee's unhappiness to increase without limit. Seeing
the whole world devoid of Krsna-bhakti their hearts are burning
within. Some of them feel such intense pain that they want to leave
their bodies. Others simply sigh and produce the Name 'Krsna' in their
exhaling. Their food no longer tastes good in their mouths. When they
see the activities of this material world they become exceedingly unhappy."
Advaita Acharyya was glorified by everyone, even among the society
of non-devotees, as He was representative of all the Vaisnavas. Sri
Advaita Prabhu was residing in Mayapur and for the welfare of the world
was engaged in worshipping the Lord and preaching His glories. The miserable
condition of the living entities who were all forgetful of Krsna was
giving pain to His heart.
Advaita-bhavan, where
Sri Advaita Acharyya made His prayer to Lord Krsna |
He would arrange daily meetings for the devotees at which they
would all express grief and profusely shed tears over the dreadful world
situation. The Acharyya, who was an ocean of mercy, found the miserable
condition of the living entities to be unbearable and He decided resolutely
within Himself, that He would call the Lord to personally descend and
save the situation. "I will meet Vaikunthanath and bring Him here. Dancing
and singing I will deliver all living entities." The glories of Advaita
Acharyya were not unknown to the devotees. All were pleased by hearing
the promise of Advaita Acharyya and they all engaged in His service
having full faith in Him.
With this promise fixed in His mind, Sri Advaita Acharyya
meditated on offering Ganges water and Tulasi leaves to the Lord constantly
calling to Goloka-Vihari again and again. The Lord's throne was shaking.
The devotees, who were also engaged in calling the Lord, abstained from
all comforts and material enjoyment, and to relieve the devotees' unhappiness
the all-merciful Lord prepared to descend to this world.
"My prayer is going to be satisfied -
He is coming!"
By His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar
Dev-Goswami Maharaj
From The Golden Volcano of Divine Love, Part
And when the Supreme Lord was about to appear, Advaita felt
in His heart, "My prayer is going to
be satisfied - He is coming!"

Jaya Sri-Krsna-Chaitanya,
Prabhu Nityananda, Sri-Advaita, Gadadhara, Srivasadi-Gaura-bhakta-vrnda
Ultimately, He detected that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,
the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
had personally appeared in the house of Sri Jagannatha Misra and Sachidevi
as their newborn boy, Nimai Visvambhara. And so, Advaita Acharyya went
to pay due respects to the child and His parents on the divine advent
day. When the boy was a little grown up, Sri Advaita Prabhu came to
bow at the feet of the child, Nimai.
Sachidevi, Nimai's mother, shuddered: "What are you doing? You
are an old pandita, a Vedic scholar. If you show this kind of respect
to my young boy it will spoil His future! What are you doing?" It was
said that whenever Advaita Acharyya used to bow down His head to a Deity,
the statue would shatter into pieces if it was a sham, if there was
no genuine presence of the Lord. But here, when Advaita put His head
at the feet of the boy, Nimai put one foot on Advaita Acharyya's head.
Everyone was astounded and wondered, "What kind of spiritual power does
this child have? Such a great devotee-scholar and senior man as Advaita
has bowed down to this child, and the child has stepped on Advaita's
head, but the child is quite unaffected! Who is this child?"
'No more beating!'
By His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti
Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
From a recent
talk given at Soquel Seva Ashram, on the occasion of Sita Thakurani's
Holy Appearance Day
Kaviraj Goswami said Advaita Acharya was Mahavisnu, but Mahaprabhu
Chaitanyadev said Advaita Acharya was Siva. And Sita Devi's position
was like Mahadevi. Vrindavan Das Thakur explained that Sita Devi served
Sriman Mahaprabhu in her house many times and came to Mahaprabhu's house
many times to meet with Sachi Mata and Mahaprabhu. At the time when
Mahaprabhu took sannyas, by the will of Nityananda Prabhu, he went to
Advaita Acharya's house. Sita Devi made all the cooking arrangements
and was feeding the Vaisnavas. Advaita Acharya was a wealthy Vaisnava.
Not poor. Naturally Vaisnavas are poor like Srivas Pandit, but Advaita
Acharya was wealthy. Everyone respected Him. Even Hiranya Govardan,
Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu's father, every year gave some offerings
to Advaita Acharya.
One day Advaita Acharya made some duplicity. He was thinking Mahaprabhu
was always respecting Him, and He could not give proper respect to Mahaprabhu
as His heart wanted. Mahaprabhu came to his house and saw him explaining
the philosophy of Sankaracharya. Mahaprabhu could not tolerate it and
tried to beat him. Beating and beating. Sita Devi said, "No more beating.
This Brahmin will die." And Advaita Acharya was very happy. "You are
always giving respect to me. Now where has that mood gone?"

doya koro sita-pati advaita gosani
tava krpa-bole pai caitanya-nitai
Kindly give Your Grace, Sri Advaita Goswami
The Lord of Srimati Sita Thakurani;
By the power of Your Grace
We may gain the service of Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga.
