"This place is called Godrumadwip. Surabhi, the desire-cow of Indra, resides here eternally. When Indra, the king of demigods and lord of rain, was overwhelmed with illusion and pride, he flooded Gokula with rain. At that time Sri Krishna lifted Govardhan Hill and protected Gokula. His pride crushed, Indra recognised Krishna as the Supreme Lord and fell at His lotus feet to beg forgiveness. Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda, being an ocean of mercy, forgave Indra, but Indra continued to be fearful of the sin he had committed.
"Approaching Surabhi, he said, 'Because I could not understand Krishna's Pastimes I committed a great offense. I have heard that in the kali-yuga, Krishna, the son of Maharaj Nanda, will perform wonderful Pastimes in Nabadwip. But I hesitate to approach Him for fear of again falling into illusion and offending Him. As you are a surabhi, a desire-cow, you know everything. Kindly help me solve this dilemma.'"
Nityananda continued: "Surabhi answered Indra by saying, 'Let us go to Nabadwip Dham and worship Nimai Pandit. He is Krishna appearing in His most magnanimous feature as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.' Arriving in Nabadwip, Indra and Surabhi began to worship Sri Chaitanya. Since the worship of Sri Chaitanya is very easy, its results are easily attained. By constantly repeating His Name, tears of ecstasy filled their eyes, and soon they received a visit from the Lord.
"The Lord's beautiful transcendental form was full of charm and wonder. He was laughing and bubbling over with the nectar of divine love. Sri Chaitanya said, 'I know your wish. Very soon I will appear in Nabadwip. At that time you will serve Me, and the net of illusion will no longer bind you.' The Lord vanished, but Surabhi remained here beside a banyan tree, constantly serving the lotus feet of Sri Chaitanya. Therefore, the place is called Go-druma-dwip (cow-tree-island)."