glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga
Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day Festival
Sree Chaitanya Saraswata Krishnanushilana Sangha,
Birchandrapur (Ekachakra)

28 January 2010

by Malini Devi Dasi
The pilgrims make their way to Padmati Devi Kunda, just nearby the Ashram. |
They gather under a tree to shelter from the midday sun... |
And Sripad Acharyya Maharaj leads a seated kirttan session. |
Devotees from around the world listen and sing along... just as described in the nine limbs of surrender: sravanam, kirttanam... |
Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the most merciful incarnation of the Lord, has indeed won the hearts of thousands. |
It is said that one cannot receive the mercy of Sriman Mahaprabhu, without first receiving the mercy of Lord Nityananda. |
Eventually, the pilgrimage party returns to the Temple, where a loud kirttan ensues. |
Untiring Sripad Acharyya Maharaj sings the bhoga arati for the Deities, and all jubilantly follow. |
The Western devotees honour prasadam within the Sri Hadai Pandit Padmavati-devi Smrti Kunja Ashram building. |
There are devotees from all five continents, young and old! |
Several devotees contribute to prasadam distribution... |
Many have been chopping vegetables all morning... |
and others have been cooking for just as long. |
Vats full of
and sabji are distributed to thousands of visitors. |
Many of the Western devotees immerse themselves in serving after having themselves honoured prasadam. |
The new nat mandir is packed with people, over and over again, and Sripad Acharyya Maharaj remains for four hours supervising the distribution of prasadam. |
It was estimated that there were eight sittings of eight hundred people at a time, and prasadam was continuously being served until well after 4pm. |
Prasadam means mercy, and indeed this is the day when we celebrate the Lord's most liberal distribution of mercy... |
Many have travelled far and wide, by plane, bus or on foot across the fields, to observe this festival and receive the blessings of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. |
Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip
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