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Russian Visit
of Srila Bhakti Sundar
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj

Our "Jagannath Express" Restaurant
Recently awarded top vegetarian restaurant in Moscow.

Moscow: 25th June to 2nd July 2001, during Srila Gurudeva's 18th International Tour.

Entrance of our "Jagannath Express Restaurant" with Sripad B.S. Goswami Maharaj and Sripad Jagannath Vallabha Prabhu.

Srila Gurudev inspects the great variety of preparations available.

Even the pastries are made on the premises... well as countless desserts.

This is only part of the salad bar...

...and only part of the dessert selection.

For shoppers there are many stalls...

...and many herbal teas to choose from.

St. Petersburg, part 1, and part 2 | London tour pictures
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