Lordships Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Radha Madana-mohanjiu, presiding
over our Sree Chaitanya Saraswata Krishnanushilana Sangha in Dum
Dum Park.
By Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's divine will,
the devotees currently staying with him in Dum Dum Park, Kolkata,
were fortunate to celebrate Sri Govardhan Puja for two days in
a row. On November 2nd, Srila Gurudev decided to hold the festival
in Dum Dum Park that very day, which is the day it would also
be celebrated in Vrindavan due to the opening of Srila Krishna
Das Kaviraj's Memorial to be held the following day in Vrindavan;
and on the 3rd November, Srila Gurudev led the Sri Govardhan Puja
Festival at our Kaikhali Math - the same day on which it would
be celebrated in the rest of our Maths in India and Worldwide