Excerpt from a biography of Srila Gurudev, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, being written by Bhakti Lalita Devi Dasi:
As His Divine Grace grew, he displayed transcendental characteristics
and joyful Pastimes. His naughty character reminded everyone of Lord Sri
Krishna in His childhood Pastimes in Vrindavan.
He would spend most of
his school days up in the mango trees so he could avoid the violence
of his teacher at Bamunpara Primary School. When the attending school was
unavoidable, His Divine Grace would then persuade his father, Nitai Pada Prabhu, to accompany
him just to sing for his teacher, thereby passing all the class time away
in song.
Nitai Pada Prabhu was always absorbed in Harinama-sankirttan and the
recitation of the Srimad-Bhagavatam with his confidential disciples
and associates. Being just a young boy, His Divine Grace was not given
entrance into their association, as sometimes very exclusive songs were
sung and elevated discussions of the Lord's intimate Pastimes took
place. Naturally having great attachment for Krishna-lila and with such
intense eagerness to attend his father's exclusive meetings, he would
hide in a nearby barrel and listen carefully to their gatherings. Very
soon, His Divine Grace memorised all the songs of Narottom Das Thakur,
Chandi Das, Vidyapati, Govinda Das, Chandra Sekhar and other Vaisnava
On special holy days during the holy months of Chaitra and Vysaka,
Nitai Pada Prabhu and his congregation would engage in nagar sankirttan, chanting throughout the surrounding villages of Bamunpara on foot. His
Divine Grace would run behind them, chanting and frolicking in the mood
of a cowherd boy of Vrindavan.
Upon the passing away of Nitai Pada Prabhu,
His Divine Grace came forward with the exceptional qualification of
singing all the songs very sweetly and in the appropriate raga or tune.
Thus, he continued in his father's honoured place as the lead kirtaniya [devotional singer] overwhelming the Vaisnava assembly with great satisfaction
and astonishment!