All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga: Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math Header
Srila B.S. Govinda Maharaj, Sevaite-President-Acharyya
Founder-President-Acharyya, Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaj

Read about our logo

Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math

Useful Downloads

This page is intended to fulfill the needs, requests and Service of our Temples and devotees around the world.
If you have particular requirements or suggestions, please contact us.

-) Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. (Click the photos for higher quality images.) The picture on the right is also available as a considerably larger 300dpi image.

-) "Trinity in Mayapur": large picture of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj at the opening of the Sri Chandradoya Mandir in Mayapur, seated with Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupada and with Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj leading Kirttan. Picture size is 1788 x 1176 pixels.

-) Three print-quality, 300 dpi colour pictures of Srila Govinda Maharaj, each 17 cm tall, chosen by our Italian devotees.

-) Parampara pictures in a row suitable for a small altar. (508 KB jpg picture.)

Line Drawing: 32K
1488 x 1033 pixels

Colour #1 : 52K
780 x 536 pixels

Colour #2: 88K
648 x 409 pixels
-) The Math's logo: Three editions available here of the Math logo:

-) Diacritic Fonts we developed and use at the Math (both for PC and Mac), including keycharts and tips.

-) PC versions of the diacritic font 'Centenary' are newly zipped and uploaded to be more consistent on the different PC platforms.

-) Sri Vyasa Puja Declaration poster, displayed here at the Math, with Srila Govinda Maharaj's proclamation that Srila Acharya Maharaj is his successor.

-) Posters of Quotations which are displayed in many places around the Math.

With the continual request for pamphlets and smaller items for distribution, we have since added:

-) Display board large-print versions of principal Kirttans chanted in front of the Deities here at the Math each morning, noon and evening. Suitable for printing out and pasting onto boards.

-) Three compositions by Srila Govinda Maharaj related to Govardhan; Sri Sri Giriraj Govarddhan arati, Sri Govinda Kunda Gupta Govardhan arati, and Sri Govinda Kunda Mahatmya.

-) The Daily Programme of prayers and Kirttans recited here at Nabadwip Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. (46K PDF file.)

-) The 'Kirttan Guide 4th Edition'. Intended as a helpful guide to bhajans and prayers commonly sung and chanted here at the Math.

-) A four sided brief introduction to Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math updated January 2005: available as consecutive pages for on-screen reading (140 K pdf file), and laid out for printing to form a single-sheet folding pamphlet (150 K pdf file).

-) Archchan-kana booklet of mantras used in Deity worship. (80K pdf file)

-) Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj -- His Life and Mission in brief, updated January 2005. Available as consecutive pages for on-screen reading (60 K pdf file), and laid out in higher quality for printing to form a single-sheet folding pamphlet (110 K pdf file).

-) Three Pamphlets that may be of assistance to you in presenting our Mission to the public.

-) The pamphlet given out at the time of Harinama initiation: The Holy Name and The ten offences to be avoided sixth edition. Translated, revised, amended and electronically published by Sripad Swarupananda Dasadhikari Prabhu from London, November 2001. As sequential pages (823K pdf file) and paginated ready to print as a booklet on A4 size paper.
This same publication laid out and ready to print in booklet form on US Letter size paper, adjusted to this size by the grace of Sripad Janardan Maharaj (also: a further version of this laid-out file which may print better for some users).

-) 'El Santo Nombre y las diez ofensas que deben evitarse' the Spanish edition of 'The Holy Name and The ten offences to be avoided.' As consecutive pages (300 K pdf file) for ease to read on the screen, or laid out ready to print (800 K pdf file) as a centre-stapled booklet.

-) Helpful information for carrying out a fire yajna. Now also as a compressed file so downloading is more consistent on the different computer platforms. (To extract .sit files on a PC, use the free ExtractNow.)

Your feedback is welcome.

Diacritic Fonts created and used at Nabadwip Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
Font sampleDiacritic fonts developed in the Math.
Many of the publications, publicity material and transcriptions using diacritics produced here use fonts of these families. Available for Mac (OSX and OS7 onwards) and PC computers.

The key assigned to each diacritic character is recognised as a letter (not as punctuation, etc.). At least this applies to the older versions of the Macintosh OS. It may not be true of the more recent operating systems(!).
Therefore 'Search and Replace' is straightforward; double clicking on any word with diacritics will highlight the whole word; triple clicking, the whole line or paragraph; etc. The Microsoft Word dictionary recognises each of these keystrokes, therefore you can compile your own diacritic dictionary - a substantial advantage for most of us. Additionally all other word processing functions can be readily executed.

At the present time on the Web we have available four different typefaces used at the Math. The most commonly used is the 'Centenary font' which was produced here in the Centenary Year of Srila Sridhar Maharaj. Other typefaces are also available. Please ask.

If you run a Mac or a PC and would like more information and to download our font families along with key-chart, etc., please click here.

Posters of Quotations seen in many places around Nabadwip Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
We have been often asked for the files of the many Posters of Quotations found around the devotees' quarters at the Math. Printed on colour card they are available in our Nabadwip Bookshop, and now also available for you to print out wherever you are around the world.

mini-poster We have a several posters in pdf format as well as in QuarkXpress files. These are ready for printing on US Letter size card or paper.

  • The following pdf files are for your inspiration -- and to print and distribute if you wish:
  • QuarkXpress files: Currently we have 29 different Posters available in two QuarkXpress files on the Web. They use our Math's diacritic Centenary fonts, though other fonts can be substituted and, being Posters with few words, they can be easily adjusted.
    The following Poster files are produced on a Mac using QuarkXpress. (To extract .sit files on a PC, use the free ExtractNow.)

Folding Pamphlets created and distributed at Nabadwip Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
'Trinity' brochureHere are two of the pamphlets that have been made here to fulfil a need of the local preachers and which are applicable anywhere. These may be viewed here, and also may be downloaded and printed for distribution from our Centres worldwide.
  • The first pamphlet highlights the glories of our immediate 'family' of Gurus with specific relation to our Math. (106K pdf file)
  • The second pamphlet is a sweet, inviting description of the path of Krishna consciousness. Reading this, why will anyone not want to proceed in such a direction? (84K pdf file)
  • Both of these pamphlets are now available in the more readily editable QuarkXpress format (32K '.sit' file). (To extract .sit files on a PC, use the free ExtractNow.) They were made on a Macintosh and use some of the Math's diacritic fonts (available above).
  • A third pamphlet, "Focusing on our Fortune" has been added, This brochure is widely distributed in Calcutta, and is here on the Web in QuarkXpress format so it can be readily adapted with the information of your local region.
  • Two pamphlets, distributed widely here and helpful for broadcasting the message of Srila Govinda Maharaj about Srila Acharya Maharaj. They include a translation of Srila Govinda Maharaj's public Bengali declaration given on his Sri Vyasa-Puja, 4 December 2009. (zip file, 2.4 MB)

    The pamphlets are ready to print on A4 size paper, or if you are using US Letter size paper, simply go to "Page Setup" and reduce the size of printout to 94 percent. In either case, ensure that the orientation is set to "landscape" so it will print long-ways across the page. For each of these, print side 2 on the back of side 1, then fold in three, and the pamphlet is complete.

Useful Downloads: Diacritic Fonts | Mini-Posters | Pamphlets
Other pages: Calendar | Math Index | What's New?

This website is © Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
Founder-Acharyya: Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj
President-Acharyya: Srila B. S. Govinda Maharaj - online since 1995. Updated regularly.