04 December 2004
12 December please, for
written Sri Vyasa-Puja offerings to make it into the first volume to be
presented to Srila Gurudev on his Appearance Day. Any received after
that will be included in the second volume, which won't be completed until
mid-January. So please don't hesitate!
Please send offerings as text in the body of an email to

Kindly include your country next to your name and attach a photo of yourself
(in the form of a small JPEG).
Gurudev is due to be in California for his Sri Vyasa Puja (28 December)
this year, where the compilation book is being prepared and presented
to his lotus hands by Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi.
for sending photos by email. Please send reasonably small photos.
As a general guideline, use a picture editing programme on your computer
to make each photo a maximum of 500 pixels wide, then "Save As..."
a jpeg file with a quality of 50 percent. This will generally give
a reasonable compromise between picture quality and file size. Please
see our Tips for Multimedia pages for
further useful guidelines.