being able to perceive Jagannath's eyes peeking through
His car, I cannot describe the feeling. It is truly out
of this world, not a bodily emotion or sensation, but something
that belongs only to the soul. And to think that He is looking
right at You, every single one of you! I want to cry from
joy and gratitude at my good fortune for being there, but
I can't. All I can do is yell, "Jaya Jagannath, Jaya
Jagannath," with this new-found strength given to me
only for His satisfaction and pleasure.
dekhe sri-mukha-kamala
tahara upara sundara nayana-yugala
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu looked upon the beautiful lotuslike
face and eyes of Lord Jagannatha.
suryera kirane mukha kare jhalamala
malya, vastra, divya alankara, parimala
Jagannatha was garlanded, dressed with nice garments
and adorned with beautiful ornaments. His face was glittering
from the rays of sunshine, and the entire atmosphere
was fragrant. (Madhya
bhavodaya, bhava-santi, sandhi, sabalya
sancari, sattvika, sthayi svabhava-prabalya
was an increase in all the natural emotional symptoms.
Thus there were awakening emotions, peacefulness, joined,
mixed, transcendental and prevalent emotions, and impetuses
for emotion.
(Madhya 13.172)

car in red and yellow moves through the crowd
chanting the mahamantra, His big round eyes observing
each detail. |
I start preparing for the 'big bash,' handing all
my gear to my God-sister as I want to make sure I
do not miss the chance to go with my God-brother to
pull the rope of the car. I feel strong and certain
I can do it, even after experiencing the rush from
Baladev's car!
The devotee makes a sign and I nod, and we run against
the motion of a wave of people pressing towards us,
managing to penetrate after bouncing back on three
or four attempts. "Here!" he yells above
the din, indicating with his eyes, and I fumble until
I can feel the thick coarse rope under my fingers,
along with hundreds of other fingers that do not belong
to me.
hold on to this precious vacant space and try to tug,
but it feels more like I am being pushed rather than
I am pulling. I lose my shoes in two seconds flat.
The sea of bodies move around me as I try to stay
on the surface and not get sucked under, feeling pokes
and prods, and using my elbows for protection against
being crushed.
prabhura netrabhramara-yugala
gadha trsnaya piye krsnera vadana-kamala
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was very thirsty to see the
Lord, and His eyes became like two bumblebees
drinking the honey from the lotuslike eyes of
Lord Jagannatha, who is Krsna Himself.
praphulla-kamala jini' nayana-yugala
nilamani-darpana-kanti ganda jhalamala
eyes of Lord Jagannatha conquered the beauty of
blossoming lotus flowers, and His neck was as
lustrous as a mirror made of sapphires.
bandhulira phula jini' adhara suranga
isat hasita kantiamrta-taranga
chin of the Lord, tinged with buff color, conquered
the beauty of the bandhuli flower. This increased
the beauty of His mild smiling, which was like
lustrous waves of nectar.
badhe ksane ksane
koti-bhakta-netra-bhrnga kare madhu-pane
luster of His beautiful face increased at every
moment, and the eyes of hundreds and thousands
of devotees drank its honey like bumblebees.
yata piye tata trsna badhe nirantara
mukhambuja chadi' netra na yaya antara
their eyes began to drink the nectarean honey
of His lotus face, their thirst increased. Thus
their eyes did not leave Him.
(Madhya 12.211-215)