Re: World Tour
News Please
« Reply #17 on: Aug 9th,
2002, 7:16pm » |
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!!!
very glad to write about Russia. We just now came into
town for a bit and I wanted to write again as service
to you all. Yesterday was Param Guru Maharaja's disappearance
festival and there was a wonderful all day long program.
Srila Gurudeva graced the devotees with morning darshan
in the temple room. (There are so many devotees not
fitting inside and Gurudeva wanted everyone to hear
so He said He would go to the temple room from now on
every morning). Is that amazing or what. The service
mood we are all striving for. He spoke for one hour
and everyone's hearts just melted hearing about the
pastimes between Gurudeva and Param Guru Maharaja. We
all fasted and had one Govardhan Hill like feast in
the afternoon. Srutasrava Prabhu and Sureswari dd initiated
somasa prasadam and we rolled and filled almost 500
somosas for all the devotees! It was great service.
outside kitchen at the temple is grand. The Russian
devotees preparing all the meals there. Gurudeva then
also spoke for over an hour in the afternoon and there
was arati and offering to Param Guru Maharaj. It was
ever so sweet.
this morning we had a 'clean the beach' program at the
edge of the Baltic Sea. The local media came and interviewed.
Everyone is busy always and so much service.
is always out walking around and sitting on the veranda
overlooking the sea. Tirtha Maharaj and Acharya Maharaj
are ecstatically enlivening everyone with lectures and
kirttanas. Last night I went into the temple room and
it was filled with devotees listening to Tirtha Maharaj
and then as I went outside, there were even more devotees
around Acharya Maharaj. It's incredible!
my dear godbrothers and godsisters. I offer you all
my dundavats and I will write as often as I can. Glad
to hear many are using this forum and all the nice replies.
Humbly yours,
Tunga Prema devi dasi