offerings for Sri Vyasa-Puja soon please!
- Invitation
to Sri Vyasa-Puja
celebrations for His Divine Grace Om Visnupad Sri Srila Bhakti Sundar
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, 9th to 13th December 2003, and the
Temple Inauguration at Bamunpara Sri Chaitanya Sridhar Govinda
Seva Ashram. (In English and Bengali.)
- Sri Vyasa-Puja
A special request to please send any written offerings early (preferably
as text in the body of an email) to scsmath_offerings2003@scsmath.com
so they may be included and printed in the anthology being prepared
again this year by Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi. This will be presented
to His Divine Grace on his holy Appearance Day. Srila Gurudev likes
photos, so please contribute too with a picture or two of your good-self
(as 'jpeg' files, not more than 80K each please) and please include
your city and country.

- Tips for sending
photos by email. As many
of you know, our phone lines are often slow in Nabadwip, so please send
reasonably small photos. As a general guideline, use a picture editing
programme on your computer to make each photo a maximum of 500 pixels
wide, then "Save As..." a jpeg file with a quality of 50 percent.
This will generally give a reasonable compromise between picture quality
and file size.
- Donations for
Sri Vyasa-Puja
are welcome. Please see our Donations page.