morning giving class, Sripad Bhakti Kusum Ashram Maharaj advised
us to pray that we ourselves are not an impediment to our spiritual
life. We can be our own best friend, and also our own worst enemy.

And how can we stop harming our own spiritual progress and benefit?
api sunichena
taror API sahisnuna
amanina manadena
kirtaniyah sada harih
few days ago, Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj spoke about
how humiliation is one of the most intense forms of consciousness,
giving us a clear awareness of our own present position and how
finite and insignificant we are in front of the Supreme Infinite.
It helps us to feel humility and accept our finite position.

Yesterday Srila Gurudev was commenting on the service of Yudhamanyu
Prabhu Seva Vikram and said: I have no qualification, but
by the grace of my Guru Maharaj I have many devotees and friends
who are very qualified. This is how our Srila Gurudev speaks,
and he is the Acharyya, teaching us by his example.

What can we say for ourselves? By his mercy we have gained a connection
with the higher plane, and we have seen and heard that any connection
we can get with that plane is infinitely higher than us. In this
line we can see that any service we can get, no matter how small
it is, is far higher than ourselves.

Nevertheless it seems extremely hard to convince the mind that
our present conditioned position is not the right one; to correct
the angle of our vision and redirect all our energy to the Centre.
We must remember that Krishna is the Centre, and everywhere there
is Centre and nowhere circumference. Srila Guru Maharaj says that
given our present position, there will be some difficulty in adjusting
ourselves because of our previous tendencies. And we should also
remember that Maya is doing her seva when she adds to our difficulties.

But if we keep full faith in our Guru and try to use ourselves
in his service, then our attachment for the higher will naturally
grow, and as Srila Gurudev says, this will be for our Super