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Practical Advice for Visitors
and General Health Tips

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You will find the following practical advice quite useful while staying at our main Math in Nabadwip - especially if this is your first visit.

Please also see the following pages with our Rules of the Math and Ten Offences To Avoid while staying at the Holy Dham.

Daily Programme

By Srila Govinda Maharaj's divine will he has asked for a daily schedule to be made available to the devotees, and has amended and approved the schedule given on the Notice Board [outside the Reception Book Room].

In his own words, "The very minimum is that each devotee will daily attend at least the morning and evening aratis [services] and engage in some Temple service."

All devotees are especially requested by Srila Govinda Maharaj to "attend these aratis for Srila Guru Maharaj's satisfaction."

Simple Living High Thinking
During our major festivals there is often a shortage of beds and other amenities at the Math. However, it is the holy wish of our dear Srila Govinda Maharaj that the devotees and guests live the "simple ashram life" and be satisfied with the basics. Let us all help each other to adjust to the "simple living and high thinking" that characterises Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.
Be Self-Sufficient
Please try to be as self-sufficient as possible in regard to your health and personal necessities - bring your own sleeping bag, mosquito net, toiletries, first aid items, etc.
Volunteer for Service
Please volunteer for service duties, especially during the busy times of our major festivals. The Notice Board outside the Reception Book Room lists many of the service opportunities that are available, as well as other useful information.
Electricity Restrictions
Please do not use high-wattage electrical appliances such as water heaters, etc., between 5:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., or when the generator is running.
Water Supply
The regular water supply is not always constant; it is therefore prudent to keep your bathing bucket filled with water. There are also wells around the Temple compound for your convenience. We now have a Municipal water supply, it is located to the right of Srila Guru Maharaj's Centenary Memorial Building. The water is clear, and comes on for an hour or so at approximately 6:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Public Bathing Restrictions
Bathing in public places needs discretion. Men should at least wear a "gumpcha" at all times, and never just a bathing suit. Ladies should be fully clad, preferably in a sari.
Confirm Rickshaw Fares
Always settle the rickshaw fare before starting your journey. It is a good idea to confirm the agreed fare by showing the number of fingers corresponding to the amount of rupees.
General Health Tips
Please take care of your health. India is a tropical country, and even Indians are cautious to adjust to changes in water, climate, and environment when travelling from place to place within their own country. Therefore for your good health:
  • Always drink boiled water or bottled water. Either purchase mineral water or use a small electric element to boil your daily supply of drinking water.
  • Use your own plate and cup, and properly wash them and your hands before and after meals.
  • Cooked food is generally safe, and fruit should be properly washed and peeled, and as we all have heard so many times: "The solution is in Prasadam."
  • Bring first-aid items including basic treatment for diarrhea, colds, flu, minor cuts, etc. If in doubt, take advice from a doctor.
  • If you think you need them, bring a supply of vitamins and other food supplements.
  • A Pilgrim's Medical Guide. An extensive listing of useful things to bring from home to help maintaining good health while in India. Includes additional health tips and considerable treatment advice. This page is posted by Srilekha Devi Dasi.
  • If you plan to go on parikrama, you may well benefit from reading our foot care tips.

Contrary to popular belief, Nabadwip is not too hot for most of the year. The months after Gaura Purnima [April to June] are the hottest and driest. Once the rains come in June, it is again quite pleasant until the refreshingly chilly months of November through February.

In Vrindavan and Govardhan the extremes are more pronounced, while in Puri the weather is more constant.

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Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip