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What's WAS New in November 2005

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November updates:
(Please prepare pictures before sending to us,
and preferably send material as prepared webpages.)
26 November 2005
 Bengali Invitation to Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's Sri Vyasa-Puja Festivals to be held in Sri Dham Nabadwip and Sripat Bamunpara.

Additional recording tips for iPod users, included in our Tips for Audio web-page. If you plan to use an iPod for recording anything important, please read these new tips.

23 November 2005
Kolkata: Harinam Sankirttan and bhoga collection from our Dum Dum Park Temple led by Nripen Krishna Prabhu. (Pictures by Varsana Devi Dasi.)

Sri Govinda Dham, Uki, Australia. Group photo with guest of honour Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj during his recent visit. (Picture sent by Anadi Krishna Prabhu Kriti Ratna.)

China, ritvik initiation. Sripad Yudhamanyu Prabhu Seva Vikram connecting another fortunate soul through Harinama initiation to Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj.

New tractor purchased in China by Hasyapriya Prabhu for our Soquel Seva Ashram, California. Pictures from China.

20 November 2005
Brazil, Sri Govardhan Puja and Go Puja festival at the Krishna Shakti Ashram, with special honour and offerings to the cows. (Three web-pages of large pictures by Isha Nandini Devi Dasi.)
In addition, a 'flash' web presentation including these and additional photographs:

Govardhan mass Prasadam distribution on the parikrama marga during Sri Govardhan Puja. Nitya Hari Prabhu led a team of volunteers to successfully distribute over 20,000 servings to pilgrims circumambulating Sri Govardhan Hill. (Pictures and extensive captions by Kamal Krishna Prabhu.)

Ecuador. Sri Vyasa-Puja celebrations for Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, held at the Srila Sridhar Swami Seva Ashram, Quito. (Pictures by Harindu and Akinchana Gochara Prabhus.)

17 November 2005
Invitation to the Grand Sri Vyasa-Puja Festival of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj organised from Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math from 16th to 20th December 2005. We are very pleased to announce that, health permitting, His Divine Grace Srila Govinda Maharaj will be here in Nabadwip for this occasion.

Sri Vyasa-Puja written offerings early please for Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's Appearance Festival. Kindly send written offerings to: for including in this year's compilation for the satisfaction of Srila Gurudev.

Over two hundred pictures of Srila Govinda Maharaj and local events in our Kolkata Temples posted in recent days by Jamuna Priya Devi Dasi on her personal web-log,

Colombia, Sri Govardhan-Puja Festival held with the participation of many devotees from around the country. (Pictures.)

Colombia, Sri Vyasa-Puja Festival of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. (Pictures.)

Portuguese updates on the Math's include a grand photo taken during the visit of Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj last month. This pictures is also available with English caption.

14 November 2005
Italian Tour Diary by Sripad Bhakti Swarup Tridandi Maharaj covering the first days of his recent preaching tour. This article reflects covers His Holiness' visit to Terni, Rome and Genoa.

Russia. Sri Govardhan Puja celebration in Moscow under the guidance of Vasudev Prabhu. An extensive series of for Srila Gurudev Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj to see, and for all to share. (38 pictures, 1.3 MB.)

Russia. Sunday programme with Sripad Avadhut Maharaj in Moscow shortly after His Holiness' recent return from India. (7 pictures, 220 KB.)

Spanish Sadhu-Sanga latest edition on-line in full. Twenty-two pages of articles, news and pictures, presented under the guidance of Sripad B.K. Ashram Maharaj by a team of devotees headed by Satya Raj Prabhu of Mexico.

Spanish, many and regular updates of articles, pictures, audio and translations of texts are posted on our Venezuelan Mission's website, including extensive coverage of the recent festivals of Sri Vyasa Puja and Sri Govardhan Puja and many local events.
Spanish, Sri Sri Prapanna Jivanamritam and Spanish Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Adi Lila, translated and posted on the web by Tapanandini Devi Dasi.

11 November 2005
Vrindavan. Grand Opening the Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami Memorial opposite our Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and Mission, led by Sripad B.B. Avadhut Maharaj on behalf of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Report by Sripad Siddhanti Maharaj, pictures by Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi.

Kolkata: Sri Govardhan Pujas at our Dum Dum Park and Kaikhali Temples led by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Three pages of pictures with captions by Damayanti Devi Dasi.

Govardhan, Sri Govardhan Puja held by the devotees and pilgrims attending our Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and Mission. (Pictures by Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi.)

Audio: morning Karttik kirttans in Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math recorded 'as-is' today after the morning aratis and before reading from the Scriptures. (67+ minutes, 8 MB mp3 audio.)

8 November 2005
China, Sri Vyasa-Puja Festival of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj led by Sripad Yudhamanyu Prabhu and Hasyapriya Prabhu teaching the local new initiates how to honour this special day.

Illustrated article for children: Sri Krishna lifts up Sri Govardhan Hill. 330 K PDF document prepared by Parama Bhakti Devi Dasi of Holland.
Plus a 'Kids' Cooking Club' sweets recipe for children to try cooking besan laddu for offering to the Lord. 144 K PDF document.

Sripad B.K. Ashram Maharaj's morning class in Dum Dum Park, Kolkata. Reflections by Vrinda Devi Dasi of Venezuela during her recent visit.

Hapaniya Festival, further pictures, plus captions and excerpts presented by Damayanti Devi Dasi.

4 November 2005
Audio of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's Sri Govardhan Puja discourse and chanting 'Jaya Radha-Madhava....' yesterday in our Kaikhali Temple, Kolkata, in mp3 audio format plus fifty-two pictures taken that day, posted on Jamuna Priya Dasi's 'VerandaViews' web-log.

Kaikhali, recent picture series taken by Varshana Dasi.

2 November 2005
Morning darshan reflections: Sri Govardhan Puja. Darshan this morning with Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, reported by Kumkum Dasi currently staying with His Divine Grace at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Many pictures of Srila Govinda Maharaj today and reflections on this day in Kolkata, posting on Jamuna Priya Dasi's new 'Veranda Views' web-log.

Nabadwip, arrival of a large gour (molasses) donation. Pictures for Srila Govinda Maharaj to see, and all to share.

What was New? in October 2005 and Earlier updates, month by month, year by year....
This website is © Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
Founder-Acharyya: Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj
President-Acharyya: Srila B. S. Govinda Maharaj - online since 1995. Updated regularly.