September 2004
Nabadwip: a variety of pictures taken today at Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math.

California we have received news that Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj is keeping fairly well and that he is appreciating
the fresh air and the hospitality of the devotees at our Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Seva Ashram, Soquel. His Divine Grace has given talks on
recent Vaishnava festival days, and a lively devotional programme
is taking place. A reminder that if you are considering visiting,
please see the
Soquel notice to pilgrims for additional local information.

Interview with Sripad Bhakti Prapanna Tirtha Maharaj at the
recent inauguration of our Kaikhali Math's charitable homeopathic
dispensary in Kolkata.

now (RealMedia streaming audio),
or listen online (8 minutes, 1.4 MB mp3 audio).
September 2004
Charitable Dispensary inauguration by Justice Sri N.C. Sil
accompanied by Sankirttan, Krishna-katha and Prasad distribution
last week at our Sree Chaitanya Saraswata Krishnanushilana Sangha,
Kaikhali, by Kolkata Airport. (Three pages of pictures with story-captions.
Also this is on video, but too large for us to upload to the web
at present.)

Sri Radhastami celebrations at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Ashram
at the Appearance Place of Srila Guru Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Raksak
Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. (Pictures.)

Sri Radhastami celebrated with enthusiasm with Sripad Yudhamanyu
Prabhu leading the programme. Pictures and a report by a young Chinese
writer and aspiring devotee.

Petersburg: Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's Appearance Day celebrated
with nagar-sankirttan followed by an evening Temple programme, with
Sripad Avadhut Maharaj and Sripad Bhagavat Maharaj leading proceedings.

nagar-sankirttan and house programmes with the growing Zaporozhye
family of devotees, led by Sripad Avadhut Maharaj. (Pictures.)
September 2004
of Srila Haridas Thakur.
Srila Govinda Maharaj speaking yesterday from our Soquel, California,
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram by phone for the Internet broadcasts
hosted by Madhusudan Prabhu of Hawaii.

Bhaktivinoda Thakur's Appearance Day.' Download
or listen online (23 mins, 2.7 MB mp3 audio).
Haridas Thakur, One of The Worlds Greatest Saints, a biographical
essay written by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Originally
published by Sri Chaitanya Sridhar Sangha, The Netherlands, and
now available for download to mark Srila Haridas Thakur's disappearance
today: 5 pages, 80
kilobytes pdf file.
September 2004
of Srila Sachchidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakur.
Three compositions by Srila Bhaktivinoda
Thakur made available to mark His Divine Grace's Appearance
Day today. These are prepared for the web by the sincere service
of the Norwegian devotees:

The Bhagavata - Its Philosophy, Its Ethics and Its Theology
as edited and published by Sripad B.S. Goswami Maharaj in 1985
in a truly beautiful format. 35 pages in full colour: 23.8
megabytes pdf file.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu - His Life and Precepts as edited
and published in 1987 by Sripad B.K. Giri Maharaj. 114 pages, 7
megabytes pdf file.

Dasa-Mula : The Ten Fundamental Divine Principles as translated
and published by Sripad Swarupananda Prabhu in 1990. 15 pages, 0.5
megabytes pdf file.
September 2004
Fast. Fasting of Vishnu-srinkala-yoga.
Sri Govinda Kunda this afternoon in flood. (Pictures.)

Main Centres page has, by the holy wish of Srila Gurudev,
been updated with photographs of many of the spiritually affiliated
Centres around the world. If you have a picture of any Centre that
doesn't have an accompanying photo, kindly
send to us.

London: Sri Radhastami celebrations.

Singapore: Sri Radhastami celebrations.
September 2004
'Affectionate Guidance' and 'Ocean of Nectar' are now available
online from the Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Bookstore. For a limited period these newly
printed books by Srila Govinda Maharaj and Srila Sridhar Maharaj
respectively are available at a discounted introductory price for
multiple copies.

Ecuador: a recent Sunday programme at the Srila Sridhar
Swami Seva Ashram, Quito. (Pictures.)

Venezuela: Report and pictures of last weekend's public
preaching and Prasad distribution programme in Caracas.

Venezuela: Reporte desde Programa Público en Caracas,
por Laksmi-kanti Devi Dasi.

Soquel, viaje. Artículo: Auspiciosa Asamblea en el
Seva Ashram de Soquel, California, E.E.U.U. con su Divina Gracia,
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj por Jagamohini Devi

Nabadwip, panorama
picture of Sri Govinda Kunda yesterday afternoon.
September 2004
Sri Radhastami. Srimati Radharanis appearance
at noon. Fast until noon.
California Tour report: "Auspicious
Assembly in the Soquel Seva Ashram" by Jagamohini Devi

California: extensive picture series presentations by
Vidyasundar Prabhu (download and view):
1) Preparing
for Srila Gurudev's visit (1.1 MB zip file.)
2) First
day in Soquel (1.3 MB zip file)
3) Second
day (1.5 MB zip file)
4) Third
day (1 MB zip file)

PowerPoint presentation: "This
Sunday Afternoon with our dear Gurudev" prepared by Vaidehi
Devi Dasi. (600 K file. Download and view.)
September 2004
Appearance of Sri Lalita Devi.
Vrindavan: Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and Mission, and
construction progress across the road at the place of Srila Krishna
Dasa Kaviraj. (Pictures.)

Nabadwip, panorama
picture of Sri Govinda Kunda yesterday afternoon.

California we hear that Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj is keeping fairly well. He has been giving discourses and
the devotees are enlivened in his holy association. Lots of pictures
will be available soon.
September 2004
Kolkata: Janmastami
Celebrations at our Sree Chaitanya Saraswata Krishnanushilana Sangha,
Dum Dum Park, earlier this month. (Pictures.)
September 2004
Kolkata: Seva
Ashram construction progress at our Sree Chaitanya
Saraswata Krishnanushilana Sangha, Dum Dum Park. (Pictures.)
September 2004
Nabadwip, rain stops for the first time in a week, and concrete
is poured to form the floor of the new Prasadam hall here at Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math today. (Pictures.)

Nabadwip, 5 pm, progress of laying of concrete on the floor
of the new Prasadam hall. (Pictures.)

Nabadwip, Sripad B.A. Paramahamsa Maharaj holds a fire yajna
for Bhudev Prabhu's father's recently passed away soul. (One
large picture.)

Turkey: recent pictures of the devotees at our Centres
in Ankara.
September 2004
The traditional Bengali festival of Visvakarma-puja.
London tour article. Reflections by Devashis Prabhu, the manager
of the London Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, of Srila Govinda Maharaj's
visit to the UK last week. (145K
pdf file or higher
quality 450K pdf file.)

Londres, viaje. Artículo: Srila Govinda Maharaj visita
el Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math de Londres por Devashis Prabhu, el
encargado del Math.
September 2004
London: 40 additional photos from Srila Govinda Maharaj's
recent visit, taken by Damayanti Devi Dasi, have been added to the
London Math's website.

Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math on the sixth day of continuous rains.

California: La primera mañana con Su Divina Gracia,
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Artículo
por Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi.
September 2004
tour report: The First Morning with His Divine Grace, Srila
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Written by Vrindavaneswari
Devi Dasi, this is the first report received from Srila Gurudev's
current World Tour.

Russia, visit by Sripad Bhakti Chaitanya Bharati Maharaj.

Olvidadas. Un artículo
escrito por Sripad Bhakti Lalita Akinchan Maharaj, y publicado en
su web-site: imonk.net, el día 21 de agosto de 2004, desde
Calcuta, India.
September 2004
Mexico, Veracruz construction proceeds quickly reflecting
the prayer of the devotees for Srila Gurudev to visit them on his
current tour.

Sri Sri Krishna Janmastami at our Sri Chaitanya Sridhar
Govinda Seva Ashram, Caracas. (Pictures.)

Sri Sri Krishna Janmastami and Sri Nandotsav at our Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram, Soquel. Pictures and web-page posted
by Sripad B.C. Parvat Maharaj.

Smolensk weekend visit to the Indian Students of Smolensk
by Sripad B.R. Bhagavat Maharaj, for a weekend programme organised
by Vasudev Prabhu.

California Children's Camp arranged recently by the Soquel
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram for the devotee children and
young adults. (Thirty-six pictures by Swarnangii Devi Dasi.)
September 2004
Audio, spoken book: Search for Sri
Krishna, Reality the Beautiful the complete book by Srila B.R. Sridhar
Dev-Goswami Maharaj, read by Sripad B.S. Tridandi Maharaj,
is now available for downloading or for listening online:

| Foreword
| Preface
| Introduction
| Chapter
1 | 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12
| 13 part 1
| 13 part 2
| Logo Explanation
(Total: 4 hours 45 minutes, 32.6 MB, mp3 files.)
September 2004
Srila Gurudev's Tour to USA. Having graced the London Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math with his holy presence for this last week and maintained
fairly steady health, Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's
journey on to America is now looking imminent. A reminder for those
wishing to visit Srila Govinda Maharaj during his expected visit
to California, to please see the California
notice for pilgrims (also in

this rainy morning. (Pictures.)
September 2004
The London Math's
'What's New?' web-page updated with two further extensive
photo-series' of Srila Gurudev's current visit. Photos by courtesy
of Krishna Kanta Devi Dasi, Premavatar Prabhu and Kanai Lala Prabhu.

Petersburg, Janmastami Festival, held in grand style at
our Temple by the Baltic Sea.

Janmastami Festival at the Math's Sri Gaura Saraswati Sridhar

ten-course feast. Opulent Janmastami Prasad freely distributed
from the Gokul Restaurant run by the devotees for service to Srila

a second Janmastami festival held at the Arya Samaj, with
devotees from Malaysia and Singapore joining together in glorification
of the Lord.
September 2004
Ekadasi. Fast from grains.
thirty-eight Tour pictures of Srila Govinda Maharaj, the
local devotees and visiting pilgrims have been added to the London
Math's new website.
Pictures by Krishna Kanta Devi Dasi of Italy, processed by Premavatar
Prabhu of Norway and presented by Kanai Lala Prabhu of London.
September 2004
first Tour pictures from London. Photos sent by Ranajit
Prabhu today of Srila Govinda Maharaj giving initiations.

recent festival for Sri Baladeva's Appearance held at our
'Sri Govinda Dham,' New South Wales.
September 2004
Sri Nandotsava. Sri Janmastami paran (take grains)
before 9:30 a.m. Appearance of Visvavarenya Tridandi Swami Srimad
Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad.
today's Festival for Sri Nandotsav and the Appearance of
Visvavarenya Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad.

Sri Krishna Janmastami. Pictures of yesterday here at Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math, culminating with midnight arati followed
by anukalpa Prasad distribution at 1 o' clock this morning.
September 2004
Sri Sri Krishna Janmastami.
Complete fast until midnight (then no grains).
web-site inaugurated and offered by the devotees personally
to Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in London on
this auspicious day of Sri Krishna Janmastami: http://london.scsmath.org.

successful preaching programme for Srila Gurudev held recently
at the Singapore Lord Siva Temple.
September 2004
to Sri Krishna Janmastami, 7th September, and the Prasadam
Feast of Sri Nandotsav the following day at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat
Math, Nabadwip, and an opportunity to send seva for this auspicious

Gurudev has arrived safe and well in London and has been meeting
with devotees and friends at the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Green
Street, on the first leg of his current tour. For further details
of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's UK visit, please
see the London
notice for pilgrims.

for video and slides-with-audio added to our intended-to-be-useful
'How to?' Tips pages which already
include tips for sending pictures, making web-pages and working
with audio. With Srila Gurudev visiting two of the principal hi-tech
areas of the world London and Silicon Valley, California
this is an opportunity to put technology to service. For
related tour seva projects in London, please consult with Premavatar
Prabhu, and in California, Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi, via
the respective Ashram's email address.

Prasad Hall construction progress. Pictures for Srila Govinda
Maharaj to see, and all to share.
September 2004
The Value of Association. After seeing Srila Gurudev off at
Kolkata Airport, Sripad Bhakti Lalita Akinchan Maharaj speaks from
the airport departure area about the challenges of close association
to Sri Guru. Reflecting on personal experiences during his recent
extended stay in India, His Holiness gives some helpful guidelines
for devotees receiving Srila Govinda Maharaj abroad during the
current tour.

now (RealMedia streaming audio),
or listen online (16 minutes, 1.9 MB mp3 audio).
September 2004
World Tour begins. Srila Gurudev begins his journey from
our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata, heading to London for a week before
continuing to California.
September 2004
honour of Srila Govinda Maharaj's forthcoming
travels, the following two updates have just been added to the
Sri Guru Vandana website:

Audio: Srila
Govinda Maharaj in 1988 reciting prayers. (Recording courtesy
of Madhusudan Prabhu.)

picture series: Srila Govinda Maharaj's visit to St. Petersburg
in 2002.

Mexico: Ashram construction progress. (Pictures.)
September 2004
construction progress of the Math's new Prasad distribution

USA, Lord Balaram's Divine Appearance Day Festival led by
Sripad B.P. Janardan Maharaj, photographed by Sripad B.C. Parvat

California, aviso para los peregrinos que desean visitar
Srila Govinda Maharaj durante su visita prevista después
de Londres, más la información de un
mesón local que da la comodidad del descuento para nuestros
devotos (la reservación temprana es necesaria).
This website is ©
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
Founder-Acharyya: Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj
President-Acharyya: Srila B. S. Govinda Maharaj
www.scsmath.com - online since 1995. Updated regularly.